Sample Signatures: |
To participate, contact: |
Dale Glader |
Corporate Accounts Director |
9961 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 |
952-767-3799 ext 154 |
dale@myesig.com |
Program FAQ |
How does the program work?
We design a free email signature for your company. We provide free marketing materials for you to send out to your consultants. We provide full customer support for your consultants. Your executive staff gets free signatures. Your consultants get a 17% discount.
What is required for our company to participate in the program?
You simply send out the marketing materials we provide to your consultants. To get started, tell us what you want the signature to look like and we will design one for you. Once the design is approved by you, we will provide emails, newsletter ads, banners and printed handouts for your welcome kits. We provide full customer support for your consultants.
How will our consultants order their signature?
We provide a dedicated ordering site for your consultants.
How do we get our free signature designed?
Simply give us a rough idea of what you want it to look like and our designers will create it and send it to you for final approval.
Can we have our designers create the signature?
Yes, we can provide the specs for your designer to work with.
What are the design specs for the signature?
The overall signature dimensions are 550 pix max width and 225 max height. Static signatures can be a jpeg and animated signatures are animated GIF. The button height is 24 pix. There is some flexibility with these specs.
How long does it take to get the program launched?
About two weeks.
How do we market the signature to our consultants?
We provide all the expertise and marketing materials neccesary for success.
Are there any contracts for our company or consultants?
What is the benefits of the program to your consultants?
They get a 17% discount on an attention getting signature that prompts action from the recipient for sales and recruiting, easy setup with one phone call.
What is the benefits of the program to your company?
The biggest benefit at the coprorate level is control. You get consistant branding and can update all the signatures centrally in real time.
Is it easy to setup and install the signature?
Yes, we have video tutorials or they can simply call us to have them setup in minutes.
Does eSig provide free customer service?
Yes, we are just a free phone call away for any questions or help.
How often can we revise or update our signature design?
Four times a year.
Can we get reports on who has purchased a signature?
Yes, just send us an email and we will send you a report.
Do the signatures work with all the major email programs?
Do the signatures slow down your emails?
No, the signature only adds a few KB of code.
Does the signature attach images to an email?
No, there is a small piece of code that travels with the signature and when the recipient open the email, the code finds the signature on our server instantly and pops it in the email in real time.
How do I know eSig is a reputable company?
We are "A" rated by the BBB with zero complaints.